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Looking for
Eternal Life?



All the good things of earth
with none of the bad
All the bad things of earth
with none of the good


And the biggest difference is that the sweet presence of God fills all of heaven…and is absent from hell.

THE GOOD NEWS (which is what the word “Gospel” means) is that Jesus wants to give you eternal life in heaven and save you from eternal death in hell.  Eternal life is the grand prize, and heaven is real and physical and robust.


There will certainly be worship of the one true God, and part of that worship will be adventure, creativity, exploring, order, food, friends, and family.

ETERNAL LIFE is the grand prize, and Jesus wants to give it to you.

If you want to know more about how to receive ETERNAL LIFE from JESUS, please contact me.  Jesus gave eternal life to me, and the Bible (the word of God) tells us Jesus wants to give eternal life to people from every tribe, tongue, and nation who will repent of their sins, believe that He (Jesus) is the only Savior, trust Him, obey Him, and follow Him. It will be my joy to help you learn more about Jesus and share with you how  you can indeed repent, believe, and follow Jesus…all the way to your heavenly home.  That home, that eternal life is offered to you, I can’t wait for you to receive it. 


Pastor Richard

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